The IT industry has evolved with ever-changing technology. After using the Internet's potential, it is a cloud architecture that is being discussed in the IT business race with its new standards. Initially concerned about the adoption of a new wagon, the industry tended to start to warm up on the concept of the cloud in order to improve its business. The mainframe and cloud industry are exploring the possibilities of extending the organization's mainframe systems in real time to integrate cloud computing into an improved business perspective and to address the shortcomings of others. But industry professionals think differently about the alliance of Cloud mainframes.
The most notable debate on the cloud-mainframe coalition is:
1. The similarity between mainframe and cloud computing, this coalition will be useful for the IT industry.
2. Cloud is just advertising marketing. He repeats what the mainframes were doing all the time.
3. The cloud and mainframe are two separate objects that have nothing to do with each other.
Whatever the arguments, the cloud and mainframe computing, despite all its fame has its own share of strong points and shortcomings. To be able to combine the two to create a blessing for the IT world is a problem. The comparison and contrast of the mainframe and the cloud are required to form an opinion.
Business Benefits/Mainframe capabilities:
Mainframes that have flooded the IT world of business with its strong characteristics of reliability, uptime and availability have grown their predicted fate of extinction.
• Large-scale calculation
• Reliability, convenience and availability
• Efficient workload optimization
• Maximum use of resources
• Unprecedented level of security
Fully virtualized environment
• Relatively low price compared to distributed equipment
Business Benefits/Cloud computing Features:
Well-done IT industry emphasize cloud computing as the next development of system architecture.
• On demand and scalable computing environment
• Applications, platforms and infrastructure offered as services
• Profitability because it corresponds to the concept of payment for the use of
• Exceptionally flexible computing and storage
• Virtual assets provided as objects to customers
• Location and independence of the device can be obtained from any place through a Web browser
Disadvantages of mainframes and clouds:
• Mainframes are primarily due to the complexity of management systems, higher operating costs and limited resources.
• Potential barriers to cloud computing are embedded in information security and user privacy.