There Is No Way To Eliminate "Mandatory" Auto Insurance

Where and when did insurance?

More than two thousand years ago were the first countries with China's insurance and Babylon. It has also been used to obtain effective control in this society at this time. Where leaders were smart enough to statistics on their society, that most likely there is no doubt that the establishment of such demanding systems insurance against very well-organized society came up with a kind of census to collect. She realized that often the problem with crashes, loss of goods were from one place to another, due to pirate attacks, thieves, etc. Their solution to these problems was to come up with a way for goods to the crimes and losses (modern day insurance) are protected.

Find the best way to maintain protection against accidents

In the year 1800 in the United States, the beginning of accelerated social development contributes to the development of international railway and steamship, as well. This development has brought many accidents, including work-related accidents at workplaces. It was hard for the family to face this new situation, because they were poor, and have enough money to meet these new challenges. Around 1850, the first accident insurance plan Franklin health assurance co., the first insurance company in the United States was proposed. People have realized that it is very difficult to support each Member of the family, in the event of an accident so that their way of being protected by these accidents. Insurance company it is achieved that people who pay small amounts of money so they can collect a large amount in an accident should be involved. Only 16 years later, there were 60 insurance companies.

The first State, "mandatory to erklären" car insurance "

In the year 1900 in the United States accelerated the development of the automotive industry, as well as the level of road accidents as a result. Not a lot of people how important it was to protect their assets until she is involved in a car accident were found. At the time, it was not compulsory to have car insurance boom in the industry, but it may be recognized as valuable as people. 1956, Massachusetts became the first State car insurance required by law, before people got their driver's license. A few years later, it was absolutely necessary to have insurance in the country, and that has brought great changes and order for the company.


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